In Australia, limited awareness of dementia in ethnically diverse communities often results in delayed diagnosis, poorer prognosis, and a higher burden of care on families and health systems.
Moving Pictures, an innovative multi-media project, aims to change this through the production of short films co-produced with people from ethnically diverse backgrounds. The Moving Pictures team has produced 28 short films with Greek-, Spanish-, Italian-, Vietnamese-, Hindi-, Tamil-, Mandarin-, Cantonese- and Arabic-speaking communities. For each language, there are three films: Detection and Diagnosis, Navigating Care, and the Carer Journey.
The films are based on the stories and lived experiences of carers of people living with dementia, and the expert views of key service providers. The team has also developed comics to complement the films.
NARI and La Trobe University
Curtin University
Curtin University
NARI and La Trobe University
University of Technology Sydney
Federation University
University of Newcastle
Tamil & Hindi
Mandarin & Cantonese
Australian Nursing Home Foundation
Chung Wah Community and Aged Care
Indian community representative
Federation of Indian Associations of Victoria
Dementia Australia
Australian Arab Association
The Lalor Clinic
Vietnamese community representative
Spanish community representative
Italian community representative
Greek community representative
Italian community representative
Dementia Australia
United Spanish Latin American Welfare Centre
Melbourne Health
Vietnamese Community in Australia - Vic Chapter
Former President of Pronia, community leader and carer
South Western Sydney Local Health District
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