Up to 45% of dementia can be prevented by addressing health and lifestyle factors that include increasing physical activity, and maintaining a healthy diet and social connectedness.
Unfortunately, this message is not reaching Australia’s ethnically diverse communities, where there is a limited awareness of dementia and dementia prevention. We worked to address this gap with an animated video about dementia prevention in 10 languages: Arabic, Cantonese, Mandarin, Hindi, Tamil, Greek, Vietnamese, Spanish, Italian, and English. The animations were created through an extensive codesign process, evaluated with over 300 community members, and are available online for free.
NARI and La Trobe University
University of Chile
NARI and La Trobe University
Eastern Health
South Western Sydney Local Health District
Chung Wah Community and Aged Care
Sewa International Australia
CORE Community Services Sydney
Italian consumer
Neuroscience Research Australia
Austin Health
South Western Sydney Local Health District
Ethnic Communities' Council of Victoria
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