Welcome to Moving Pictures
For over 10 years, we have worked to improve the lives of
people affected by dementia, with a special focus on
multicultural communities. Through codesign and community
partnership, we create meaningful and culturally sensitive
materials that resonate with communities across multiple
languages and settings.
Arabic عربى
Dementia and موارد الوقاية من الخرف
廣東話 Cantonese
在此获得失智症以及预防失智症的 简体中文资料
普通话 Mandarin
在此获得失智症以及预防失智症的 简体中文资料
डिमेंशिया और इसका निवारण
தமிழ் Tamil
மறதி நோய் மற்றும் மறதி நோய் தடுப்பு திட்டம்
Εaahnika Greek
Πόροι Άνοιας και Πρόληψης. Άνοιας
Italiano Italian
Risorse per la prevenzione della demenza della demenza
Español Spanish
Recursos sobre demencia y prevención de la demencia
Tieng Viet Vietnamese
Sa sút trí tuệ và nguồn lực phòng chống sa sút trí tuệ
Dementia and dementia prevention resources
Have questions? Reach out to us here
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